I love to travel. Not just vacation, but travel. I can get lost in a bazaar in Cairo or sit for hours at a cafe in Paris and people watch. I've been attempting to hit 50 unique countries before I turn 50. Covid has derailed my plan a little bit but that just means I will have some work to do in the coming years.
When I get back from a trip, I settle into my routines. And then it happens - the thought creeps back into my head and I say - Where to next?
Having the thoughts of adventure and travel on my walls has been a great way to tame my wanderlust in between trips. I always have a world map on my wall. Always. But everyone likes to express their desire to get away in a different way.
Whether it is the call of the mountains or the serenity of the beach, Gallery 57 has many unique pieces that can share your love of travel with everyone who enters your home. You can find some of our favorite curated pieces in our Travel and Adventure Collection.